Let’s assume you are setting OKRs at the company, team, and contributor levels. Larger companies may have additional levels.

4 to 6 weeks before quarter
Brainstorm Annual and Q1 OKRs for Company
- Senior leaders start brainstorming top-line company OKRs.
- If you’re setting OKRs for Q1, this is also the time to set your annual plan, which can help guide the direction of company.
2 weeks before quarter
Communicate Company-wide OKRs for Upcoming Year and Q1
- Finalize company OKRs and communicate them to everyone.
Start of quarter
Communicate Team Q1 OKRs
- Based on the company’s OKRs, teams develop their own OKRs and share them at their meetings.
1 week after start of quarter
Share Employee Q1 OKRs
- One week after team OKRs are communicated, contributors share their own OKRs.
- This may require negotiation between contributors and their managers, typically in 1:1 settings.
Throughout quarter
Employees Track Progress and Check-in
- Throughout the quarter, employees measure and share their progress, checking in regularly with their managers.
- Periodically through the quarter, contributors assess how likely they are to fully achieve their OKRs.
- If attainment appears unlikely, they may need to recalibrate.
Near end of quarter
Employees Reflect and Score Q1 OKRs
- Toward the end of the quarter, contributors score their OKRs, perform a self-assessment, and reflect on what they have accomplished.
If I have questions, where should I send them?
What is your typical OKR cycle like? Please share it with us! Be sure to check out our FAQs, Resources, and Stories.
Or, if you’re looking for an OKR coach, check this out.
If you’re interested in starting our OKRs 101 course, click here.